Author Archives: adminsakib

Gravity Perks Nested Forms 1.0-beta-8.26

This add-on adds a new Nested Form field type in your Forms to create more functional and complex forms. You can even customize the looks of the form and it works flawlessly with Gravity Forms Repeater. You need to install Gravity Perks plugin in order to use this plugin.

Source: Gravity Perks Nested Forms 1.0-beta-8.26

Gravity Flow – Form Connector Extension 1.7.3

The Form Connector extension allows Gravity Flow administrators to create steps at any point in the workflow that interact with other forms on the same site or different sites. Form Connector Steps can delete entries, create new entries, update existing entries, complete an approval or user input step for an entry in a different form, and wait until a specified form has been submitted. You need to have Gravity Flow plugin installed, in order to use this extension.


Gravity Perks Populate Anything 1.0-beta-4.14

GF Populate Anything allows you to dynamically filter and populate field choices and values with posts, users, taxonomies, terms, Gravity Forms entries, and databases. Pretty much anything. You need to install Gravity Perks plugin in order to use this plugin.
