This product may or may NOT work completely without a license key, therefore should only be purchased from the original developer at full cost. You can still purchase/download this product just for testing purposes.



Now with the help of Jobs & Experts plugin, you can create a portal where users can post jobs and freelancers can find work according to their qualifications. It does not require any support of third-party plugin or addon. It comes with the built-in private messaging system, front-end profile creator, job poster, with budget management for the projects. Overall it a complete plugin to convert your Wordpress website into a fully functional freelancing website.

Buy WPMU DEV Jobs & Experts 1.0.3 only for $5.00. Offer available for a limited period. Join the club of more than 5500 happy members.
Want serious discounts? Join our Premium Membership Club and you will get this & every other themes and plugins for just $50.00/year.
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