This product may or may NOT work completely without a license key, therefore should only be purchased from the original developer at full cost. You can still purchase/download this product just for testing purposes.



Smartcrawl plugin is a Wordpress SEO plugin that creates sitemaps and auto-links keywords along with many other small functions. It sends sitemap updates to search engines, auto link keywords to any URL, add custom descriptions and titles and it also comes with built-in Moz integration.

Buy WPMU DEV SmartCrawl 2.6.1 only for $5.00. Offer available for a limited period. Join the club of more than 5500 happy members.
Want serious discounts? Join our Premium Membership Club and you will get this & every other themes and plugins for just $50.00/year.
  • Access: Lifetime free updates
  • 100% Original. Unlimited Website Use.